Tuesday, 3 November 2009

SRM Marketing

The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably.
CIM definition of Marketing
Now that I've really got going on my CIM course, I've been applying for some jobs. I was invited to an interview with SRM Marketing at 2:30 today. I was pretty dubious about the whole thing because of the huge number of adverts they have posted on every single job site. None of them were particularly well written, and despite the months of advertising they have done, they are still looking for "20+ people for immediate start" - never a good sign. I had a quick look on their website and was, again, worried. It's really badly written, it's designed by Vistaprint (one of their free designs) and says they are based in Nottingham. Odd, very odd. Anyway, I didn't think much about it after that because I was pretty busy.
So I headed to the library (in the pouring rain) and printed out a CV and a couple of bits to add to my portfolio. I found the office, eventually, and climbed the delapidated staircase to the first floor. The only sign that anyone had been there in the past 100 years were the A4 printed signs saying "SRM Marketing" and "Interviews". I walked into a small room with a dirty carpet and some awful music playing loudly on the radio. There were loads of chairs around the edge of the room and a desk and phone in the corner. Bizarrely no computer - how did they even get my application?! There was a girl sat there who said she'd been waiting 10 minutes and still hadn't seen anyone, but, as directed by another shoddy printout, we dutifully began filling in the application forms sat on the desk. I just wrote "see CV attached" in most of the boxes and left it at that. Eventually baby-faced Simon appeared and invited me through for a "chat".
The main interview room was much bigger than the first, but pretty empty. There was a desk with a chair on each side, and a "Talk Talk" poster on a stand. Simon looked through my CV quickly and asked how I felt about working to targets (I said it's good as long as they're achieveable). He spent a good ten minutes telling me about all aspects of the company, I didn't follow much because he was speaking so damn fast! From what he was saying I got the impression that it's going to be a sales job, but when I asked him what the job is he started drawing arrows on the back of my CV. I was told that from entry level to a senior management position managing 50+ people would take just 6 - 10 months for the right candidate. I couldn't help but wonder where these people are, what they are doing, and how the alleged FTSE100 customers hired them to design marketing campaigns.
And that was it. My 'interview' was done and I was barely given the chance to talk. I was told to expect a call later if I was succesful. I left feeling incredibly bemused, and wasn't surprised to receive the call inviting me to a second interview tomorrow. Simon told me to dress smart, but wear comfortable shoes because I'll be on my feet most of the day (I'm going to be there 12:30 - 8:30 apparently!) observing one of their campaigns. I'm going to go, but I doubt I'll stay.


  1. I had an interview with SRM in Norwich. I say had, I will be calling tomorrow to cancel!

    Did they send you a similar email to the below?

    SRM Marketing Ltd
    First Floor
    11 Orford Place
    NR1 3RU

    T: 01603 - 230186

    Hi Bobby,

    It was a pleasure speaking to you earlier! Congratulations on being selected for a preliminary interview on 04/12/2009 at 2:00 PM . Below are directions and street map to our new office in Norwich!

    On arrival in our offices, you’ll be required to fill out a brief enquiry form. Your interview will then be conducted by one of our managers. It will be an informal preliminary interview, although please note the dress code is smart business and as with any interview it’s always a good idea to bring a copy of your C.V. with you. It will be a chance for us to get to know you a little better, learn more about your education and previous work experiences along with the knowledge and skills you’ve gained. We will also give you detailed information regarding all the opportunities we have available for you and tell you more about the services we provide for our clients and finally where you could fit in to our goals for 2009!

    Please feel free to view our website on: http://www.srmmarketingltd.co.uk/


    Please find detailed directions on above link. If you have any troubles finding us please feel free to call the above number for directions.

    We are located at 11 Orford place, which is a pedestrian road off of Red Lion Street. Our office is on the first floor of Burlington Buildings, up the street from Carphone Warehouse, adjacent to Debenhams, directly above GW Menswear.

    I look forward to meeting you then!

    Kind Regards

    HR Dept

  2. lol ive applied for the same job going on it 2moro might see u there

  3. Dont bother going - its a waste of time!!

  4. I've just come back home from an interview today, and to my supprised was selected for a 2nd interview, after the 1st, i came home to do some research on the place.... my confidence with SRM is really falling to bits. . . the amount of people online that have said bad things about them etc... im very confused..

    very confused... is it really not worth going for the 2nd?...

  5. I have arranged and cancelled my interview with SRM in Norwich all on the same day.

    Thank you for this post, it has saved me from wasting travel time and money and getting my hopes up.

    Good luck with the rest of the job hunting.

  6. If you are tempted to go for any interview with this company, please do not bother unless you are happy to work for no money as they will only pay on commision. you basically go door to door knocking on them and trying to flog stuff to people. its nothing like what they adertise. its an elaborate scam

  7. Sounds sood to me. So you get paid for wahtever sales you do? I suppose that makes sense, can't be too hard smiling at people.

    So do you have to pay any money then??I don't understand which bit is a scam if they want no money and they are going to pay you for work you do?

    Can anyone explain.

  8. Hi, i have a friend who works for a similar company in Manchester, im finding it hard to believe that the company is a scam when they are working for ftse 100 companies like talk talk and the charity red cross. Surely TT has a reputation it needs to uphold and wouldnt risk losing it by working for an illegal business, to be honest i think the majority of people on here are just out of work scare mongers, if your too lazy to work for commission then fair enough but try to make educated comments instead of the waffle you find on here.

  9. I worked their for 3 months. Its a scam. They have changed their name to SMS marketing now.

  10. Ill explain...
    First you are self-employed so you foot all the bills for travel (and acommodation if you go on a roadtrip or "Satalite Office" as they like to call it).
    You can be promoted to the glorified position of leader or accounts manager. WOW!!! now your only a few steps of becoming filthy rich (£££). Your first promotion can take a week or two depending on if you hit criteria of 12 apps a week in town or 15 apps on a road trip. At this point you get to help them exploit, I mean recruit other people. This entails taking out interviewees or "Obs", generally they are unaware that they will be walking around from house to house and you have to foot the bill for their travel. During this time your objective is to get them excited about the great oportunity and to believe they might not get the job, but of course they will, everyone does.
    Every morning you have a 2 hour long networking session named "Atmosphere", I like to call it "Brain washing" where you are informed of the large amounts of money you could make. At the end of the day this is a pyramid system and the only people getting rich are the managers because they have no expenses to pay, for example the heating is never on in the Norwich office, there are no cleaners(its the sales reps jobs to clean and tidy), They dont pay your N.I. or tax(they actually tell you that you wont pay any and to keep your reciepts as this will cover taxes).
    I ended up just about cutting even and almost losing my house and my relationship. I dont want this to happen to others.

  11. tommorrow is going to be very interesting in norwich.......

  12. i went in there said what i saw here and the lovely kendall kicked me out.
    Plan part 2

  13. if its a scam why haven't they asked for any money?

  14. plan part 2, did you actually spend a day with the company, or ask them to answer your business and personal questions?

  15. I used to work for this company and i find it very sad that small minded people like the above think its a scam???...They dont ask for money...not once! The money you earn depends on how much of a good sales person you are, and i was pretty good. I made on average 4 Apps a day at on average £21 per app. Within 3 half months i was promoted to leader and my money increased!! the only reason i left was due to pregnancy!!...But if u cant fricking sell then dont be a sales man!!! you all sound so dumb because you assume if there isnt a a basic then there is no money to be made...in other words you cant be arsed to work so you made naff all!!...
    As for it being a scam is RIDICULOUS!! they work with MAJOR companys and CHARITYS!!! dont be so stupid to think such high profile companys would work with a scam company!!

    Stop being so stupid and if you have "AMBITION" and you actually want to earn GOOD money like i did then you will earn money ...as for the stupid people above your just shite at selling so you FAILED to earn money!!!... Im out!

  16. Why is there over 40 people working for the company doing the same job you apply for if its a scam??? they obviously make money if not they wouldnt be there!

  17. I have just left a position at SRM Marketing in Nottingham, I found it very strange that during my interviews it was never mentioned how much money you actually have to spend, and how much of the day you spend walking about. They never mention that you do door-to-door sales, when you ask, they start sprouting all this "it's only an entry level stage, you'll be a manager within 8 - 10 months". Also, they told me the hours would be 11 - 8, but I wasn't finishing until 10ish and they were ringing me up the day before to meeting them at 10 for meetings, and as I live around an hour from the office, I was leaving early and getting home late.

    Great job if you want to trek about all day in the rain/snow/cold getting called a "negbomb" when you mention the weather, getting the door slammed in your face and getting told to fuck off.

    The only decent thing about the job are the people there, I met some fantastic people but I highly doubt any of them will speak to me now that I have left the position.

  18. hmmm ive been reading everything above and im a bit worried now... ive got my interview with them tommorrow, my second interview... and now im thinking of not going if this is what it involves!

  19. I'm cancelling my interview RIGHT NOW!!!!

  20. I'm not going...did all seem a bit strange that after my little 10 minute talk it only took them 20 mins to offer me the second interview, all apparantly after looking through everyones application form....bull

  21. Just because they don't ask for money does not mean this isn't a scam. All of you who think this is a good job need to think about what it actually entails. The people I have spoken to who actually have worked for this company have told me they got paid for the number of people they recruited. I have phoned their "FTSE100 Clients" Talk Talk and they claim to have never heard of SRM Marketing (as they were at the time of my interview).

    I never went to the second interview (it was raining and I didn't really feel like walking about in that sort of weather all day!). I am not lazy, I am not scared of working hard and I am a good sales person. I just don't believe in making money out of misleading other people. I now work as Marketing Manager for a charity, and am pretty glad I didn't take this "job" in the end.

    Good luck to anyone who does go for it, I sincerely hope it works out for you.

  22. Lol, Well whoever the mongoose was up there telling people he was doing 4 apps a day is a lying twat.
    I worked here for 5 months and loved it, i was the best in the country for several weeks runnning and that was on an average of 5 apps per day, so the guy who said he was any good is full of shit.
    Of course, SRM will find blogs like this, it's easy enough because when you google it, this is 2nd or 3rd option and i only clicked as i was interested to see what people thought.
    I actually think that AndyD1986 guy was one of the guys i used to work with while i was there. Lol, if that is you mate give us a bell!
    This aint a scam, it's just hard work which is more than rewarding for the right person. If you got grit, determination and drive then you'll go far. One person is all they need and you could be it, but be warned, start fking things up and they'll just send you on your way, they don't have time for losers.
    Ali, as for calling TT and the charities asking about their marketing companies... It'll never work, they are a results based organisation. E.g... It is like a sub-let... Talk Talk need marketing.... They let it out to PERDM (the marketing group you SHOULD have enquired about if you had any ounce of sense) and then PERDM hire SRM to handle it. Yes it's pyramid but grow some, aint every company. If someone cant make a profit from hiring you then they are not going to hire you. It's business. Grow some nuts and get on with it.

  23. my boyfriend worked for SRM and they are the biggest load of wankers. he worked there for a few months, was promoted to 'team leader' and came like 5th in the country or something. needless to say they still owe us about 7 grand. cunts

  24. they still owe me £400, Every time i talk to Mr Morris i get the run around, and yes this is a scam but not your average one, YOU are the scamer you see, you are told (by team leaders, simon) to get into the houses anyway you can, even outright lying (they call it gas man theory) And after you in get them to sign the contract, but dont tell them its a contract, again lie.
    Its long hard hours that you dont even get paid for, want to stand around for 6+ hours a day? join SMS and go to atmosphere, want to work 8+hours in a area that was worked yesterday? Join SMS and let Simon fuck up the territories.

    in short, lol, Badly run/organised, corrupt team leaders, never paid properly/ on time, I got more but im so pissed i got conned into wasteing my time there....


  25. Total waste of time... my Boyfriend went for an interview towards the end of March, got called back for a second interview the day after to see how he got on at a trial...

    He was offered the job, but there's no chance to make any money in the first week, brain-washing meetings in the morning, and didn't get home until 11:20pm on the first day... not bad considering he left home at 8:15am and didn't receive a single penny??

    What everyone has said here is right... big promises of money and promotion and anyone with half a brain can see right through it... You're carted off in a car around mid-day (you have to all share the fuel bill) and then you're knocking on doors for hours and hours on end trying to sell things at any cost and any way possible...

    His experience was on a run-down estate...

    A total joke, a total waste of time... he saw sense and walked out in the first week...

    (This applies to the Norwich branch, the one near Top Shop etc)

  26. It's a SCAM, people who say it's not are talking out of their arses! I worked for them for about 2 months, after going to the PerDM Conference I read up online and found a goldmine of information! I printed it all out, spread it out amongst the people I worked with and watched the stars in their eyes fade away! Funny that happened about a week before I left, then they changed their company name. Christoph Grizzard, Simon and Carolyn, guess who I am?????!!!! If you want this job, or just want to walk around for 8 hours a day and not be able to make rent at the end of the month, by all means take this job!

  27. It was a pleasure speaking to you earlier! Congratulations on being selected for a preliminary interview on 09/07/2010 at 3:00 PM . Below are directions and street map to our new office in Norwich!

    On arrival in our offices, you’ll be required to fill out a brief enquiry form. Your interview will then be conducted by one of our managers. It will be an informal preliminary interview, although please note the dress code is smart business and as with any interview it’s always a good idea to bring a copy of your C.V. with you. It will be a chance for us to get to know you a little better, learn more about your education and previous work experiences along with the knowledge and skills you’ve gained. We will also give you detailed information regarding all the opportunities we have available for you and tell you more about the services we provide for our clients and finally where you could fit in to our goals for 2010!

    Please find detailed directions on above link. If you have any troubles finding us please feel free to call the above number for directions.

    We are located at 11 Orford place, which is a pedestrian road between Pizza Hut and Debenhams off Red Lion Street. Our offices are directly above GW Menswear and opposite Shoe Zone.

    I look forward to meeting you then!

    Kind Regards
    HR Dept

    I can't even be bothered to phone them and cancel.

  28. I am a former " manager " and used to rep PERDM, this business is not a scam or con, its worse as it is legal, the corrupt things i was asked to do are myriad, the main one is tax fraud, i left only recently and am disgusted with PERDM.

    by the way PERDM is the umbrella company that actually gets the clients (EG. TalkTalk) and encourages these business practices

  29. i worked for the company for over a yr and didnt make it to management.At one point i was very close but it was my fault why i didnt,tbh i can understand why ppl say its a scam but its not its just ur too lazy too work hard for ur money.i never made a lot of money a week there but i was shit at sales but i saw some ppl making 600-800 or more a week there who were good at sales and also how much most of the managers make.ive seen 8 or more of my mates make it to management and they said its the hardest thing they have ever done but there making alot of money now and my mate who runs an office in maidstone kent has been earnign over 5,000 a week sometimes.The only reason i quit was because i wanted to go around the world travelling so as soon as ive done that im joining the company again. Also as it has been said before if the company was a scam the british red croos,talk talk, allied irish bank,vodafone and many other companies which are in the footsy 100 wouldnt use the company u dumb ----- so think about,only do it if u have a hell of alot of drive and motivation.

  30. SMS Marketing is a scam17 July 2010 at 13:13

    Hey i have to agree with everything on here (apart from the deluded brainwashed) - SMS MARKETING - it IS a scam.
    They do not advertise the job as door-to-door sales at all, but then when you go in for an interview and 2nd round they end up manipulating you into believing you want this 'challenging' job because you might not get it. What's scared me is I realised that the whole time I was there 'observing' the people weren't just selling talk talk to people who didn't need it, they were selling ME the job!! it's strange to realise how easily they do it - check out the other sites - it's all about 'fear of loss' the get you to fight for something that you don't even bloody want! I think it's fine if you're really good at sales - but i think even then you are never gonna really make manager- also the whole 'atmosphere' thing was just stupid - i might have continued to make a bit of money if it was for reasonable hours at a time when people are actually in - but to spend 3 hours of the day whooping about money, money that these people will never earn, it's just sad. It's just not worth 11am - 9/10pm plus travel expenses, you'll never make decent money.
    Do not waste your time applying for SMS 'Marketing.'

  31. I agree with the whole thing i went for an interview last year when their name was srm marketing.As soon as i walked into that dim horrible room i new this weren't right. The moment i walked through the door to a empty room with just a desk n chairs Christoph did not stop talking about how great the company was. I couldnt get a word in edge wise! He talked about the whole getting to management thing in 6 months, what a load of rubbish! Within 30 mins of leaving they rung to say i got through to the 2nd round talk about desparate!! They asked me to bring a notepad n wear comfortable shoes. If they were a big enough company wouldnt they provide things for us to use??? I turned down the 2nd interview. Anyone with a brain can see its not as good as they make out. And people who worked at the company and said its was good must of been brainwashed!!
    Don't waste your time even applying for this!

  32. Been there done that, gives you motivation in the long run when you find a proper job!

  33. Is Kendall hot? I might go if she is, lol.

  34. Have just got back from the interview, and everything happened as described here. The building was grubby with chewing gum on the floor,marks on the walls and no equipment or sign that they do marketing anywhere. They claimed that they had just signed ASDA as a big name brand to their firm and that sms marketing was formally in america and had just moved to the UK. There was nothing on the wall to show what work they have done and when I asked where everything was I was told by simon that "we are out all the time with clients, we dont need office space". There is no website for sms marketing which seems odd for a marketing firm dont you think? I searched online and came across this website and I am very happy I did. The whole thing just doesnt feel right, I will not go back for the 2nd round.

  35. i worked there for the grand total of 4 days, the deluded guy who was taking me around on the first day said you can be worth 7 figures within 3 years. it is a con, people who vouch for the company are wrong. You go out into the feild to knock on peoples doors and disturb them, from norwich as far away as ipswich and Great Yarmouth. the reason it is a con is you go out selling for them, they make the money on the commission. i think the longest day i had there was 13 hours, thats from arriving at the office at 10am and returning at 11pm. I dont know how people can live with themselves doing that, disturbing and miss selling to vunerable people at home. 'stay posi' seriously, heavy rain and freezing yarmouth days after buying the train ticket. no way.

  36. I nearly fell for there bullshit, after reading all this I started to realise what scam artists they are! Thanks guys for all your comments other wise I'd be trapsing around door to door in the freezing cold making NO money.

  37. Basically, its not a "scam" as such. I too an looking for a full time job and after reading one of the ads online i thought this sounds great- i studied marketing in business at a-level and thought it was quite interesting. The pay advertised is also a very appealing part of it. SO i get an interview i go along, all goes well, but thought the manner in which the interviewer was talking that something was a bit off. I get a call about 20 mins later saying you ve got a second interview, we want to see what your made of. I think great, this is great. SO i spoke to my dad, he asked questions and then started to realise, i had actually not learnt anything about the job, what so ever. I go along for the on job evaluation thing hoping that the job would be what i was hoping for.....needless to say it wasnt. Essentially the job was door to door sales for a charity when i did it for 8 hours non stop a day. Anyway i did the day with a leader as they were called accessing me throughout the day. The topic of pay came up, and in a roundabout fashion he had a pre-prepared speech that gets you thinking that commission pay is a great thing. Throughout the day they try to fill you with shit on how this job is so rewarding you progress really fast etc. I was being told that door-to-door sales you only do at the entry level for the first few weeks till you progress however i later worked out this not to be the case. At the end of the day you have a final meeting with one of the mangers-the guys at the top to review everything. I questioned about travel and he let slip that he only had to "walk to his territory today". So basically hes at a manager level yet still doing the same job as i would be doing. I should have sussed really when i had to go into what looked like a disused office, poorly decorated and bare that something was up. Surely a company working for names like TalkTalk and Argos would be in a better office. They offered me the job then and there and i agreed to it, and started the next day. This whole conversation they were pressuring me into something i felt uneasy.

    Anyway, in short. SMS are dishonest, misleading and to some extent liars. If only they were upfront about what was what im sure no one would have a problem with them. Yet they have come up with a formula for sucking in new recruits often young people like me and taking advantage. They are a legit company and there is money to be made if you want to work your arse off to get commission and dont mind pissing the public off as you do it, but they have very immoral methods in my opinion.

  38. Have just looked them up on Companies House where all ltd companies have to be listed. SMS is the dodgiest company around, no accounts filed ever, changes of directors constantly. Anybody who works for this company must be mad.

  39. Kendall is HOT!! blonde and banging tits!! Id start just for herr....... mmmmmm

  40. Erm...My dad works "self employed" and he can work a massive job and then not get paid cos of the "scamming bastards" that wont pay for the work they had done...anyone who is self employed if you dont put effort in you dont get paid...how is this any different. My mate went for an interview here and showed me this website and i laughed...your all dumb! Self emplyed is awesome!! The harder you work the more u get paid...id you dont work u dont get paid! SIMPLES!...Grow some balls you lot...also how is "selling" someone talk talk to SAVE money a scam?? ~HAHA!! and asking people to donate to charities??? Your all thick as fuk...if they asked you to invest...fair enough but its real companies who pay them to do this...so how is it a scam!!! raahhhhh it annoys me and i dont even work for them or want another job! just the stupidness of you all!

  41. oh my god thank you for telling me about this scam. I was going to go to the 2nd interview but I had my doubts so looked on here and luckily found this website. cheers everyone

  42. That Kendall in Norwich is a right old cunt

  43. They tried presuring me in coming for an interview when I told them I was busy with work commitments and church I hope this company rots in hell nd rembmers to respect peoples privacy

  44. Went for my 'Interview' Today...Nothing new to report! Exactly, word for word, the same as whats on here. Oh apart from I heard Kendall on the phone introduce the company as SRM?? And Young enterprise or something runs from the same room...odd huh? Won't be going to the 2nd interview.

  45. Are they going under the name of Junior Enterprise now? I've been invited for an interview with them on Monday, and wasn't sure about the company so I looked them up on google and I found this. I wondered if it was the same company as 'SMS' which people keep referring too?

  46. I only know they work from the same building =S

  47. I had an interview there a while back
    Didn't get a callback
    Sounds like I dodged a bullet there....

  48. wow i was gonna go today fo my interview but i fink ill stay in n look for an established job instead wiv no forums like dis. dis is quite bad for a business to hav such bad reviews on it im so lucky i never went didnt want to have to go through all wot u lot hav been through doesnt sound to pleasant. they call it junior enterprise now not good when a company keeps changin der name n managing directors cos it means its too dodgy and unless ur in tite with da business peopl at the top then you will make no money, i knw this because i nu people that done the same thing, it isnt a scam but it isnt really want you would want to be doin either as your not gaurenteed a set wage. my advice is find something else.

  49. Seriously guys??!! I know several people who do this, from first gens up to those who are earning 4 grand a week and I have witnessed them go through the whole process. Yeh it is hard work, but if you work hard, make your way to manager, you then wont have to work at all when you hit 40. packs about 35 years of your life into 1 basically. If you are determined enough you can get 300 quid a week without being a manager. Not everyone gets through at all, you do your own recruiting for your team once youre 2nd gen, and obviously you only want those who are good and are going to do well, so what is the point of hiring someone who doesn't wash, or someone who is rude or who isn't confident enough to speak to people?

    It isn't a scam, just hard work, which if you are willing to do then the rewards will come.

    you're self employed, but as long as you register yourself and keep all of your receipts you can then claim VAT back.

    Why else would such respected charities and companies use them?? They aren't going to put their name on the line if this was a scam? It is proved that this way of marketing is more effective than a TV advert. They also aren't going to fork out loads of money to pay for cleaners etc when basically you're in the office for 3 hours in the morning and 2 hours at night. Unless you're an aminal you really shouldnt be making any mess at all!!

    Basically, everyone I know who does this job loves it, it can be tough at times, but that is the same with any high profile job.

  50. Man if those people are good at sales something is seriously wrong with this country. I went for an 'interview', you know theres something wrong when the person conducting the interview is trying to sell you the job. Pyramid scheme written all over it.

    Walking into the Norwich office is how I Imagine walking into a scientologist office.

    I encourage everyone to just go for an interview for a laugh. THey have an office in Bournemouth as well.

  51. the funniest thing he said was ... 'so youre wondering how we are managing to grow so effectively during the back end of a recession' then preceded to draw a pyramid shaped diagram on the back of my CV...
    I wasn't thinking that..

  52. I cancelled an arranged interview as i was suspicious and contacted the Norwich Office for more details about the vacancies , and the response made me even more suspicious , replies being evasive and vague , when i declined the interview i had the phone put down on me by the lovely , pleasant : Kendall

  53. ok, i left SMS last week after 4 weeks in the business, and just to clear things up, Junior Enterprise is another PERDM company which runs out of the same office. i left the company mainly because i was working 72 hours a week. thats nearly twice the average! and was the money good? well, i made £300 for a 6 day week, so no not very good, in fact i would earn double the amount, doing half the hours on £6.50 an hour. not to mention the fact that i haven't actually been paid correctly. since i left Simon will not speak to me, and ignores any attempt i make to ask him for the money. its not a scam company, you get paid for what you do, its a sales job, its just not advertised as a sales job. there is no guarantee you will ever do any applications and ever earn any money. you may be sent to an area which has been done a week before and so everyone who wants talktalk has signed up. if your a great salesman who doesn't mind being on his feet all day, waking up at 7am and getting home at 10.30pm 6 days a week then im sure it works fine, but its not for me. and if you have an interview, you have got the job. they will employ as many people as possible. firstly because the more people the more money they make off of you. and secondly, because everyone quits within 2 weeks! you earn nothing for the first 4 full days, and then are promised bonus' which you never recieve. if you join the company, good luck, but dont worship the money (if you do well enough to get any, and simon likes you nough to pay you) but your relationships will break down. after all, one day a week quality time? and i call it quality, thats if you have the energy to get up! oh yeah, and prepare to feel like your in a cult, and are unable to speak about anything negative. if you didn't get any sales, its your fault no matter what the reasons, you will be called lazy, and you will lose a lot of money on these days!

  54. Have an interview tomorrow. Was a bit suspicious when they phone call only lasted 3 minutes before she said i have been suscessful for an interview from the questions asked...she only asked three. I am curious about the whole thing, but dont want to go there and then waste their (and my) time and end up saying no. Also OTE earnings. Hardwork i dont mind (i have been employeed constantly since leaving school), but trudging around in the rain and snow for no guranteed in come is not for me. Espically with the way the UK is at the moment with no one spending etc...it wouldnt b easy. I am very confused and it will be a long night of thinking for me. Very helpful comments tho. Googled tthem for company info for interview, glad i saw it!!

  55. Hello, I do not agree with the previous commentator - not so simple

  56. Massive scam, anyone who says otherwise obviously still works for the "company" and is trying to protect their own interests.

    I couldn't stand the main guy trying to con me. He thought that by talking fast he could cover up how much of a sham it was. FAIL.

    Sitting in his office with a Macbook and an iPad carefully placed to give the pretense that he is a successful businessman. He was a jumped up twat who makes a living out of conning people - poorly.

    SMS Marketing or whatever they call themselves in the future are just a bunch of cunts.

  57. im sorry, but im currently working for sms, and i think that it is one of the best things to ever happen to me. you cant base what you're going to do with the rest of your life on a few peoples misfortunes.
    lets say, for example, you're looking for a bank account, you ask around to see whats what, and someone comes back to you and tells you that you shouldn't bank with barclays, because they were in one of their banks once and there was a spider in the corner, and once upon a time a teller was rude to them.
    if you only listened to that one person, then you might think, oh, i'll steer clear of them. but then down the street, there could be an 80 year old man whos banked with barclays since he was 18, has never had a problem with them. if you spoke to him, you might think differently.

    As with every single company in the world ever the people at the top make money because the people at the bottom work. do you really think that the CEO of McDonalds, Jim Skinner, is worth $3,910,000 because he never, ever, ever, makes any money from the people that actually cook the burgers? of course hes not!

    almose every arguement here is completely ridiculous.
    as for the interviews being about selling you the job? absolute tosh. i had my first interview on the 25th of november, (yes, hello previous poster) and i was asked lots about myself. in fact, i have never been more at ease in an interveiw before, and ive had interviews on beanbags with incense burning in the corner.

    oh, and to the previous poster, its a flipping DESK! of course he had a computer on there! the fact that it was a macbook is completely irrelevant. what did you expect to find? a small elephant dancing the cha cha with a naked midget?

    i despair sometimes.

  58. A lot of my experience with SMS has already been said by many here - I wasn't warned it was door to door until I got there, and was lied to about the hours (2-8pm turned into 10am-10:30) and I somehow ended up in a car to Thetford without any warning. I was not happy that day :| I would've had a job, but probably little money and no relationship - definately not worth it.

    I would just like to warn anyone here who is job hunting there is *at least* one other company operating the exact same way - Next Generation Marketing on Magdalen street / Sackville Place - I assume that this is run by one of those who "climbed to the top" - exact same morning meeting, mantras, etc. But a much better office.

  59. Thank you I am about to head off for an interview to leave my current job,, I am now going to stay at home and look for another job in another field.

  60. Ok so it's not a scam, which i personally think it is as I have had dealings with a similar company, but why when asked are they not up front and honest about what the job entails. A friend of mine recently went for an interview and came out saying that she had no idea what the job was about and didn't really have the opportunity to ask anything about it either. Why not just avertise the job for what it is door to door sales! Saves the time of the company for having to interview time wasters and for those of us who dont want to work just for commision only.

  61. Junior Enterprise is a Totally Different Company- With Different Managers...SMS hasnt changed its name....but Kendal Is FITTTT ;)

  62. Having just been to SMS and had the 2nd interview confirmed I must say I was unimpressed with the lack of respect the interviewer gave me. As he was showing me the company diagram drawing on the back of my CV, a decorator came in with one of the other guys and started discussing loudly colour schemes for the offices. I found it very hard to concentrate on what my interviewer was telling me. It seems that they are desperate to get people who are unemployed as they seem to think that we will take whatever we can get. He also seemed surprised when I told hime I could not come back tomorrow if I was sucessful today as I had other commitments. I am a person who going on gut reactions so I can honestly say I will not be putting on my comfy shoes and warm coat for a 12pm start on Thursday!

  63. I am so glad I read these comments. I too was due for a second interview tomorrow. What a load of tosh this company is. I won't be going. And it's because of these comments that I won't be wasting 8 hours.

  64. seriously pissed off person27 January 2011 at 10:39

    wow everything here is word for word what happened, you might have it in the back of your mind to go anyway, i was going to. but nah i cant be bothered wasting 10 hours and best part of £30 on petrol parking and apparently the travel they make you pay. the whole thing is just a shambles, hint++++ if it looks to good to be true it probably is, if it walks like a dick looks like a dick it probly is a ............ anyone looking for SMS in norwich need'nt bother it is the biggest scam ever.

  65. SMS????????? Waste of time!

    Really guys if you get called back for a second interview.... I'd not even bother to turn up unless your willing to walk around in the middle of norfolk listening to some one do door to door sales!

    You will turn up at say 12 in the afternoon then be taken by one of their "leading" account managers or assistant managers and then spend the whole day walking door to door in the freezing cold. Then after what seems like the most bizarre second interview you will go back to the office at about half 10 AT NIGHT! and after some waiting around you will be offered a job! FANTASTIC I hear you scream well is it?

    Think who is it actually do you work for? Talk Talk? SMS??

    Whats your wage? They haven't given you one its all commission based? And i bet the manager earns abit of both commission and a salary!

    Wish Id seen this before but hey! Oh and they love Apple mac! You get free apple stuff like an ipad and iphone with this job but ive yet to see if any of it works. Theres a fancy apple laptop in the office and it was never on I reckon it was also fake.

  66. um well seems to me that its prob not a 'scam' but just a load of pompous bastards walking around signing up innocent and less educated people into something that they don't even want or need. I've done sales for years and makes me mad this type of thing when it appears 'the top salesman is the best' um no in this type of sales its the 'biggest bullshitter / i have no feelings or conscience to worry about man/woman who succeeds. Real sales people and real people with conscience wont succeed in this type of work. Lets hope the bastards get their comupance one day.

  67. Pleased that I read all the above comments. The interview was exactly the same down to the last details. He used the back of my CV to scribble pyramids and blue chip company names, the interview was half an hour late starting and I would imagine that this was the first time that this guy had ever done one. I wonder if he had heard of "open questions," well just questions really. The interview lasted half an hour and I listened for most of it, actually, couldn't get a word in edgewise. However, he gave no details, all generalisations. Yes, you guessed it I have been invited back for a second interview by Kendall who had left for the evening at the same time as I went in for the interview, which suggests that my invitation had already been prepared before I went in.
    I guess it's not a scam in so much as it is all legal but if you look at the adverts for the jobs they bare no resemblance to what is actually being offered, and they all state salary details when it would appear that this is not the case. The whole basis of this idea is pyramid selling, but in this case you are actually the product.
    I won't be going for the second interview. I will await a company that that believes that being professional is important.

    9th February 2011

  68. I found this post when I Googled the number who just called me. I applied for this 'job' earlier even though my instincts told me it was probably not all it was cracked up to be... now I definitely wont be calling them back!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

  69. Hi all,
    i once upon a time applied for a job with these clowns.....sales not really my thing anyway but i was skint and struggling to get a job so i thought i'd give it a go.
    That simon, the onewith a baby face was the biggest joker....he actually said to me he had given up the opportunity to work in the City as a trader to knock doors in Norwich, because "SMS is the way to become a millionaire"!
    What a wanker!
    As for that Christophe fella, i think he believes all the bullshit that falls out of his mouth.
    I actually walked past the office todayand saw a new sign advertising a new company but with the same number,so i thought i'd call just to satisfy curiosity. Suffice to say the same girl answered that was there when i tried for a job and was very cagey when asked about the name change! Is this Kendall?? I couldn't remember her name??

    Anyway worked out ok because now i have my own landscaping and roofing firm, in which i have a small sales team. If any of you guys need a job i do have some door canvasser and team leader positions available. Basic with good commission if anyone's interested. Just post back on here.
    Cheers guys, good luck to you all

  70. "Junior Enterprise is a Totally Different Company- With Different Managers...SMS hasnt changed its name....but Kendal Is FITTTT ;) " - this isn't true!!!!! I got an email from Junior Enterprise and their address is 11 Orford Place - the same as this supposed SMS Marketing's address is!!!
    Sms marketing
    SRM marketing
    Junior Enterprise

    = all the same thing!!!!!

  71. dont forget the fake adverts they post up on job sites guys.

    here is a link to the evidence

    I have mailed the website telling them of the fake job advert, they dont care lol

  72. Wow u lot are a bunch of neg heads just because u lot couldnt make it doesnt mean u hav 2 stop others tryin n give it a bad name if u actualy took the time to listern to them n find out about the business ul realise its good money n you can get ur own business out of it i worked ther for 7months and on average i was takin £300 - £400 a week home n yer simon did give up alot to knock doors but look at him now its his company and his pocketing about £3,000 a week in his pocket which i can garentee none of you lot are n as for christoph well jealousy is an illness my friends his makin over £500,000 a year n retiard his dad and has now opened offices in portugal just because you lot thought oh no its door to door i cant do this well you will always b the average job workin 9-5 not sure if u hav enough money for the weekend but ask yourself this matt pearse done the hole program in 14weeks and now runs his office in cardiff so why are u putting every1 else of just because it wasnt for you well people like you just piss me off the business is good its not for every1 and if you dont like this comment well deal with it coz u had ur say !!!

    1. At least they have retards like you working for them. Learn how to spell.

  73. They have a new name now & are operating in Colchester, Essex:

    JTM Solutions


  74. So... I applied for this job (before I knew it was a scam, though I knew it was a bit dodgy-looking) - the company was called Junior Enterprise. Once I'd done research on it & they contacted me, I told them I wasn't interested.

    Just now, I received an email from SMS Marketing saying "You applied to this job, We;ve been trying to contact you, left you voicemails" etc. etc. ..... But I never applied to this SMS place and never got any voicemails from them. But they have the same address & phone number as Junior Enterprise. In conclusion, they are the same company.

    They must be desperate to be using another one of their names to try to recruit a person who has already told them to bugger off! How dumb do they think people are? I think I know which companies I've applied to!

    I tried emailing back but I just got a 'postmaster delivery failure' email back!!! Typical!!!

  75. lol, kendall is not Fit, she's just fat. Josie is fit though, i sent them my CV on wednesday, they got back to me after 3 hours offering me an interview for thursday, i smelt a rat straight away but went anyway, as soon as i got there i knew it wasn't right, scummy place, no signs, no office equipment, just a desk with a tart behind it. after leaving the interview they called me after less than half an hour saying i had a second interview the next day, from 12 - 9 (9 hours) i never went to the interview and found this forum 2 days later so im glad my suspicions are confirmed, its a very clever scam but if you look hard enough you can see right through it, I also phoned their other "office" on friday asking exactly what a job with them would entail, nothing was said, just that they are a marketing company, still haven't a clue what or who they market for.


  76. SMS Marketing.
    SRM Marketing.
    Junior Enterprise.
    JTM Solutions.
    Blue Mountain Solutions.

    All the same shit just with different names, if they contact you just say yes to an interview and don't turn up, the emails you recieve from them saying they've tried contacting you is just to scare you into false securtiy. Basically your fighting for a job you don't even want because they make you feel you might not get it.

    Its a complete scam, don't get drawn into it, i found researching all these 'companies' the same as every website rambles on about their success and marketing but doesn't actually tell you what they do no matter how many times you ask. HILARIOUS!

  77. I find it funny how all the people on here defending these companies can't spell for shit or string a coherent sentence together. Perhaps that speaks volumes about the sort of people these companies trap and convince they're onto good things bynworking for them.

    I find their dishonesty unprofessional and for that reason I'm well and fucking truly .....out.

    Kendall and Josie are fit tho :D

  78. The sad thing is that even if you earn £300 a week, it works out to be £5 an hour, before saturdays (just put this experience down in my new blog) and the whole not getting min. wage thing is legal because they make you register as self-employed :(

  79. Learn to spell you thick cunts who are defending that pair of retards Simon and Christoph!
    As has already been mentioned on here i do believe it speaks volumes about the caliber of people who actually think they're onto A good thing, especially working with such cunts as these.
    Anyway, rant over....good luck to everyone else searching for an honest days work.
    Simon and Christoph fuck off

  80. just goes to show what world we live in, we are in a ressesion for gods sake.
    This means times of struggle, and when people, some of which are very qualified are depressed and out of work, but still want to work, we have people like these cunts ripping us off. yes kendal is very fit she has a lovely pair off tits, and i would love to tie her up and fuckin ruin the girl on that shabby table she calls a desk,(hours of fun). 1 massive con 2 pretty girls 4 lovely breasts, 1 cock (simon)

  81. Not a scam, just a rubbish job.

    You will always get the job if you go for an interview. A big warning light should be that they try to sell the job to you. In a real interview with any other company -you- have to sell -yourself- to them, your supposed to be convinsing them you want the job, not the other way around.

    You will always be told that you can earn somwhat around £300 a week. And that is true you -can-. But not every week, in fact odds are that most weeks you won't, and if you have bills to pay and you have a bad few weeks (Which anyone whose worked in sales knows that you will), you can find yourself in trouble with debit.

    Somtimes you can make a decent amount of money but you must be prepared to use every dirty sales trick in the book to do it (such as bafferling old people with lots of jargon).

    Being self employed for one means that if you were to work for them up untill April you would have to pay all the tax & NI you owe for the year.

    People deal with the downside of being self employed to get the benifits, AKA being your own boss, choosing your own hours. You get none of them working here.

    Also when you leave (not if, when) becuase you count as self employed you don't get a P45 and therefore its very hard to porve you even worked for them which will put other employers off hiring you because of the gap you can't seem to explain with evidence.

    Some will comes on here and defend them saying you have to work hard and only quiters complain here. But no company has such a huge staff turnover without there being a reason.

    Anyone whose thinking of going there, do yourself a favour and spend the time looking elsewhere.

  82. I Went to Norwich today expecting a posh office, at first I thought I was in the wrong place, stained carpet filthy walls hardly the setting for such a successful company. interview was barely 15 minutes and I didnt have to sell myself at all, but was told promotion was fast .if you reached the targets required you could be running your own office within a year (what a load of rubbish)needless to say I passed the first interview, will I go the second (NOT A CHANCE) dont get taken in it realy is a scam

  83. They have expanded the "business" to Portugal too, and I was one of their victims. When I applied, the company was called AXES MARKET, but I've heard at least three different names for the same office. I even had the opportunity too witness a ridiculous situation: the interviwee asked a "leader" what was exactly the name of the company, and she was not able to answer it immediatly. Anyway, I believe that this Christoph guy you mention is now the "manager" of AXES MARKET. What a con artist he is!
    My experience is not different from those I've read on the internet (too late, unfortunately): misleading adds, fast-speaking, brainwashing, atmosphere, working 12h/day, 6d/week on the streets, trying to fool people out there, and being called lazy if you don't trick people into signing the f*cki* applications.
    I worked for the company for three weeks (until I realized what a fraud it was), made some sales, and they didn't pay me anything.
    I was quite afraid to openly denounce them, because I didn't know who the hell they were and what could they do against me, so I wrote my experience and sent it to a group of portuguese activists who have a blog about bad work conditions and so on. At the same week, Axes Market changed its name on the adds.

  84. I was meant to go to 2 interviews today with SMS Marketing and Junior Enterprise LTD (both using the same phone number) in Norwich, one after the other, should have rung alarm bells when i was booked in for the second interview 15 mins after the 1st one was booked for. A freind of mine got involved with a similar company, door to door cold calling, he was only there for 4 days or so before he realised it was B/S. I appreciate that some people might love to do this for a job and do have the potential to earn a shed load, but I have a soul and don't like forcing myself into peoples houses to sell them crap they don't want.

    Both the emails were almost word for word identical, was a bit like someone had copied an essay off the internet and changed a few words to make it look different enough not to get caught

  85. SMS are now advertising in Peterborough. Been invited for an interview tomorrow at Stuart House, a favourite location for rooms by the hour, day, week etc. Glad I checked them out. It was the address and website that got me curious. The site is a freebie, badly done, and a company as successful as they claimed to be would have one professionally done. Wouldn't they? Its not that expensive. I have taken note of everything, from those obviously still involved and those you got out, without being properly paid, I am assuming because they quit. Were they paid properly up to then?. It is not going to cost me anything to go along tomorrow armed with everything I have learnt here and plenty of questions. Honesty is all I am looking for tomorrow. If it is commission only, door to door and they are PROUD of their business why won't they tell me everything at the interview?!!. If it is good, honest hard work there is no need for them to be evasive!! I think I already know what I will find but I can always live in hope

  86. They are doing the same thing in Bournemouth under the company name WBW. Same story, they advertised the job poorly on a local jobseekers website, asking for people with 'waitressing experience' I have been a waitress before so I applied, then got a call back immediately asking if I could come for a interview, I agreed and the receptionist emailed me the details. The emails I recieved are exactly the same as the others have commented on here, down to every last word. It was only then that I took a look at their website and saw it had nothing to do with waitressing whatsoever, I decided to go to the interview anyway thinking what have I got to lose. It took me ages to find the 'offices' it looked like the upstairs of a house and the bedrooms had been converted into offices... the reception area had the same music video on repeat, it looked shabby and there were two other people there who were waiting for their interviews like I was, they too applied for the job accidentally and decided to come to the interview anyway, none of us knew it was door to door sales at this point. Then I was called into my interview office, which was bare and didn't look like it was used much. No computer just a empty desk and a filing cabinet. I was faced with a 19 year old boy who claimed to be the manager of the entire Bournemouth offices. I was skeptical already but decided it was worth a shot. He then said everything so fast I couldn't understand him half the time, he was scribbling all over my application form I had just filled out, and he didn't even glance at it. I left not really knowing much more about the job than I did when I arrived. I still didn't know it was door to door sales and I wasn't aware it was comission based, I was just told I could be a manager in 6 months time and I would be making a lot of money. Of course that is tempting to everyone right? So I got home and immediatly got a call saying they wanted me to come to an 'open day' the next day at 12.00 and to bring a notepad and wear comfortable shoes because there 'might be some walking involved'. Little did I know the ONLY thing involved was walking. 6-8 hours of it. Knocking on 100+ doors and watching my 'leading superviser' get rejected and doors slammed in our faces over and over again. The whole time she was asking me questions that she said they asked everybody on observing days but she seemed to be making them up on the spot, writing and walking is pretty hard especially when they are hard questions you would normally need to sit and think about before answering, especially during an interview. After trying hard to write neatly and walk at the same time and give good answers to things I hadn't got a clue about, she didn't even review my answers and nobody looked at them. Kick in the teeth. We got back to the offices late and I had 'my final interview' where I was told I had got the job. They wanted me to start today and I made an excuse because I wanted a week to think about it, they money sounded good and I know it's possible to make if you're good at sales but working 55 hours a week with no set salary is a waste of effort and time, I'm not sure how to tell them I don't want the job, should I say I know they are a scam? I know this is long I just haven't seen anything about this company now being called WBW and being in Bournemouth so I think people need to know about this! Don't waste your time like I did it just gave me blisters =/

  87. I had the misfortune of going to a second interview at SRM marketing in Nottingham. Everything was scripted and there was clear attempts at brainwashing. Having a degree in business and marketing and a-levels in psychology and sociology I instantly realised what was going on. I decided to go round anyway as I was curious. It was disgusting to watch and I regularly informed the person taking me around of what the company was doing. Unfortunately she had become so deluded by the potential for money, she couldn't see the bigger picture. I was offered the job and ofcourse I ranted at the rather unsuspecting man offering it me. I questioned his knowledge of marketing and unfortunately it was vague. The company isn't a scam, however morally it is revolting. It is all about bullying. Bullying staff, old ladies, and anyone that gets in their way.

  88. Had exactly the same thing done to me in Norwich. I asked at the interview what the difference was between the two companies..ironically working in the same building..they couldn't give me a straight answer. What fuck wits. Surely if they were two different companies they would be trying to compete, not having two different desks in the same room chatting freely amongst themselves? Furthermore WHAT THE FUCK is Morton Solutions??? That throws another company name into the mix.
    Its not a scam just a bunch of wankers who think the whole world will fall for their stupid tricks. If anyones in Norwich just look at the building you are going to work in, its a shit hole. They could spend some of that "money" they have on refurbishing the place. But they wouldn't do that..of course not! They would spend it on cars and other stuff for themselves. Selfish cunts.

    I have cancelled my interview because of all this, before its too late. I hope you lot do the same. Its an absolute waste of time and those of you who have brains or even half brains, you CAN DO BETTER THAN THESE BELLENDS.

    nice tits though..

  89. I have worked for Junior Enterprise, and i enjoyed every second of it.

    I made enough money to pay my bills and have a life, there are a lot of companies doing commission based sales and it isn't a scam, its a great way of being to earn as much money as you like.

    You just have to have what it takes and i guess that most of you havent got what a strong company like that needs.

    People dont have to sign up to charities so they are not being forced to do something they dont wish to do.

    As for the comments on the Admin girls, i think that is a little pathetic as they are only doing their jobs.

  90. Having read this I'm so glad you all warned me from wasting my time and money. If like me you're unemployed then spending money on train fares to annoy people for a day is not my idea of fun (no mention of it explicitly on their ad!).

    I'm a graduate and would like to think I'm passibly intelligent, but to have my time and effort wasted like that is ridiculous!

    Thanks to all for warning about this poor excuse for a business

  91. It is funny on here that literally every single person defending the company cannot string a coherent sentance together!

    I got made redundant about 3 years ago and was pretty desperate so blah blah went to the interview with Simon in Nottingham where the same thing happened as has already been mentioned.

    The next day I did go back for my second "interview" (wish I had seen this thread then!) and we went on a bus (which I had to pay for) and the bus was packed and this French guy started interviewing me - on the fucking bus! People were quite righly looking round thinking what the fuck is going on. I was pretty embarassed and said I got travel sick and could he be quiet.

    We got to the place, knocked on one door, he completely bullshitted this old woman, so I just said to him (in front on her) that it was a massive joke and I was off (and I advised the woman not to buy the phone package).

    I then went to the offices to have a chat with Simon who mysetriously wouldnt talk to me but he sent me a grovelling email.

    I couldnt advise anyone do do anything more strongly than do not go to the interview if you get offered one (which you 100% will - even if you are retarded)

  92. Thanks everyone for your comments. Had the same thing, wasted £10 on a train to norwich there today, had the job sold to me, and of course, got the phonecall back saying congrats, im very lucky etc etc.

    Then I googled them out of interest, and thank god I did. Just told them that I saw what kind of company they are, told them to shove their job because they're a bunch of tossers, and the guy on the phone just said 'ok fair enough see ya buddy'!

    Do NOT apply for these.

  93. Ok guys, I have a recent experience only just today!! I went along to my first 'interview'.
    Like you all, I got offered second interview for tomorrow ALL DAY 12-8.30pm!!
    For some reason my sixth sense kicked in, I realised that even after the interview I still had learnt NOTHING about the job.
    I soon learnt a lot after reading all of these comments so thank you all for everything you've posted! It has helped me decide not to go tomorrow and sack 'em off!!
    Oh, and if anyone ekse is reading this after being offered int./job then please BE AWARE that the comments trying to convince people they are NOT scammers are probably people employed by the company to trick you into going in!!
    Just because they are not taking money off people does NOT mean it is not a scam! STAY AWAY FROM THESE MUPPETTS! and seriously, a HUGE THANKS to everyone for posting their experiences. You've helped me so much!!

  94. p.s. the above was in Norwich, saw 'simple' Simon and NO Kendall is NOT FIT IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM. Think brittany spears gone wrong in a Footballer's Wives fashion!

  95. I went to a peterborough interview today as they have just opened an office there.Was exactly the same as everyone has described it, they were 45 mins late, didnt really learn anything about the company, was invited backk for an observation day and he even drew the chart of possible development :-) im gonna clal them and grill them tomorrow just for fun to see what they have to say

  96. where is their office in peterborough?

  97. Office is in the east wing of Stuart House behind the passport office. I went for the introduction meeting but have canceled my 2nd interview.

  98. Don't be ridiculous - Kendall is fat!!!

  99. haha... I got a call yesterday. I didn't even apply for the job. I thought that was odd. I popped my CV on some site at the weekend, but didn't expect anyone to be chasing me while there are millions of people looking for jobs in this country.

    Anyway, I went along today not really knowing what job I was going for. The site says fuck all, doesn't it? I guess you have to give them credit. Yes, they are a bunch of horrible fuckers with no morals, and yes - They should all burn in hell. However, despite being intelligent, a lot of us fell for it, didn't we? I (obviously) heard back from Kendall, via a voicemail, who said I'd made it through to tomorrows interview. I thought it was odd. Out of 293 people being interviewed, I was one of the few who was being considered for the job, of which only around 5 people would get...

    I was chuffed. I felt I did well in the 'interview', but I had no marketing experience. It didn't add up. I was going to go anyway, for the 'observation' (interview #2). I called my best friend and told him. He sort of asked where it was for. As soon as I said SMS Worldwide Norwich, something clicked and I knew it was bad news. He told me he'd been, as well as a friend of ours. He described it precisely. It's funny really. Of course, I'm not going tomorrow. I'm considering going just before 12pm to warn people.. I'd feel good raining on their parade. I could make a decent Youtube video out of it (just something I do for fun).

    I called though, and some guy answered. I was hoping it'd be big-tits-liar-whore. I told him I'd received the 'good news'. He said 'Congratulations'. I said 'But I'm not coming tomorrow' ... 'Why is that?' 'Well, I've heard things about you. What would I actually be doing tomorrow? Door to door selling until 10 at night?' He didn't deny it at all, lol.

    I'm going to make a youtube video, regardless though. I'll call Kendall and hopefully she won't hang up. I'll loudspeaker it. 'Cos something funny happened. She got a call - The phone rang and rang - and made out the person wasn't speaking english. I bet it was someone like us! They were speaking english, but they were telling her she was a scamming bitch. Me and some others were in that stupid office, so she couldn't start an argument.

    Anyway: www.youtube.com/stefanalexanderlay. The video will be on there :)

    Bunch of cunts. 'nuff said.

  100. My second interview with SMS Marketing tomorrow. I'm not going. It's not so much a scam as it is incredibly misleading. It all clicked in interview 1 earlier today when the one member of staff on reception was looking at holidays and chatting to us, the fact there was only one computer in the whole office, and that the guy interviewing didnt know anything about marketing (I have a degree)

  101. They recruit you as self employed - fact.

    They give you the training to do door to door sales, they give you the independence and ability to be in charge of yourself all day every day - fact.

    You have the opportunity to travel around on business 'road trips', most of which accomodation will be PAID FOR by your team leader, if they have belief you're worth it - fact.

    This process singles out the people who are NOT good at sales, NOT good at managing themselves and therefore NOT worth keeping on.

    It also singles out the ones who ARE actually good at sales and can make a few a day. The ones who ARE willing to work hard and keep going when things seem tough. THESE people are promoted to train others.

    The next step is training others. Getting others interested about the job, understanding of the business and their role, understanding of what is expected. The people who turn around and say 'I can't be assed to walk around all day' are the people who dont DESERVE a chance, they SHOULD infact be stuck in a 9 to 5 job where they will NOT be forced to work hard for their money.

    This is the process. As you can image, it gets rid of the shit candidates and rewards the good ones. A great method of employment, if you ask me.

    Then, after training and recruiting essentially your own team of sales reps, you are open to be the TEAM LEADER, a promotion again - in charge of not just yourself, but a team of individuals.

    People who work hard, prove they have good management and training skills, who can then be a team leader, and then a manager of an office. This ensures that all new offices are run by people who KNOW THE INDUSTRY AND COMPANY INSIDE OUT, and who have proved they will WORK HARD and, in turn, GET REWARDED.

    It's a motivational method of employment and training. The people all over here saying it's a scam - it's not. Look at it for what it realistically is.

  102. i know the truth16 October 2011 at 03:42

    do yourselves a favour guys, don't get sucked into there little fancy pyramid scheme. i worked there for 4 months, and only walked away with about £200, after working 74 hours a week. the bottom person does all the work, and all the so called managers take a decent percent of your commission. those of you who still believe this companies great research pyramid scheme, and notice, pyramid schemes are technically ileagal, despite what fancy names they gift rap it in. realistically, its not a scam, but it is sheer exploitation. how can you sell a product which either people have/don't want. its pushing water up hill! they don;t tell you at the interviews that you'l have to fund your travel/accomadation yourself. nor do they say 98% or the time you'l be walking round a lower funded estate where you have no respect, and in fact anger people by knocking on there doors untill 9.30pm. i can remember one of the team leaders got 6 aps in one day, all from the same family under different names...telling them they could cancel the contract at any time, but telling me that he would still receive the commission for all of them - in reality he only sold one! srm relies on dishonesty, making up lies about other major companies, failing to read the full t&c's on the contract that these poor people are signing.

    if your willing to work your ass off and plunge yourself into debt, for very little pay and an education on dishonesty, then by all means this jobs for you, but if you want to make a real living, with a fixed wage, insurance protection and decent integrity, stay well clear.
    its not a scam, but it is fraudulent... choice is yours...

  103. I was an account manager for these guys for 4 months, i had to do some pretty shitty stuff i deeply regret. Glad im out their brainwash.

    any questions please feel free to email me on drmr1@rocketmail.com

  104. for the comment on 23 September 2011 15:31, you have no idea what you've been dragged into do you. The higher up you go, the more shit you see.

  105. Most of these posts without a doubt have been posted by quitters. Just because you are not prepared to work hard for a short period of time, it does not mean that it is the fault of the company. There is nothing that misleads you or is concealed from you, that is why there is the second interview. How can it be called a scam when you do not put any money into the business? when actually money is put into you, because someone believes that you could be better than most people, and have what it takes to beat the odds and make it somewhere in life. You should all look at yourselves right now, and see what kind of position you are in, and see whether it is going as you had always wanted it to go, or on the way there. Because i know that working for this company has put me well on my way to achieving my dreams

  106. Yes, but where does that money come from? Other people in the business who may not exactly be able to fund others from their 30/70 commission..

  107. To all the people who keep bleating on about "how can they be a scam if Talk Talk and other (suspiciously unspecified) top companies and charities use them?"... Have you ever considered that these companies either don't know or don't care that PerDM and all its child companies are are a disingenuous exploitative pyramid scheme? After the financial crisis (Northern Rock, Goldman Sachs, etc) you'd be a fool to trust big companies and think that just because they're a "FTSE500" company that they have any common sense, that they know what is going on at their direct marketing sub-contractors or that they would care if the did. I mean, if the marketing works and the bosses make money who cares right?

    It seems pretty clear that the people who've posted here defending PerDM are the oddly capital letter loving managers who are sufficiently RUTHLESS and AMBITIOUS and who LOVE money enough to climb that pyramid.

    It might not be illegal, it might not be a scam, but the job ads and interviews are not honest about what you'll end up doing. In some ways the methods that PerDM uses are similar to Internet spammers, and no one likes spam except the people who get rich from it.

    If you've worked for these clowns or even just been interviewed by them, why not do more than just post here. Post on FB, Twitter, call your local paper or radio station, or both. Call Talk Talk and whoever else they claim to represent and ask them if they think its right that they are being represented by a company that operates like PerDM does.

  108. I worked for this company for a few months in the peterborough office. I made it up to accounts manager where I basically took interviews out. We were trained to not talk about its door to door or thats its commissioned based to talk more about progression and money and shit.

    To be honest yeah there is money that can be made if you are good at sales and can work from 10 am to 11 pm in the rain.

    But my manager still owes me a shit load of money that I will never see again and the fact that all the boys are pervs.

    All in all im glad I started this job as I met some great people but wish I never went to the interview. Dont get taken in by all the bullshit they tell you on your interview, they are all just robots reading out a script to every question you ask. The reason they want you to join is so they can build a team to get promoted - so they dont care about you they just need to build a team as soon as possible.

  109. I worked for the peterbrough office fore around 6 weeks. At first I found it really hard to make some sales but asked for some help in improving my sales that they then gave to me. After a couple of weeks my sales started to grow. Problem is that even when you do make the sale it is very hard to get the money out of them for them sales. I know many other ppl who I worked with at the time who had a very hard time getting the money they was owed. I have not yet recived any of the money that they owe me they curently owe me around £700 and after countless trips and phone calls to Ben Knowls the manager at that office I now intend to take them to court. I also urge any one else who is owed money to do the same. Best thing is I have been advised that I can add intrest and even a charge for each time they have said they are going to pay me and then have not. This is called defulting its what a credit companie would normally charge you if you was not to pay on time and it turns out you can do the same.

    They seem to move offices quite a bit. I can still go ahead with taking action but woud like to know there current address if any one on here has it.

    I may also report them to companies house as they have not kept there info on there up to date wich in its self can land them in to trouble as all companies have to keep there info up to date on there.

    As for the sales they teach you it is very dishonest. They really do try to get you to miss sell contracts and at the end of the day that is ripping ppl off.

    If any one else has been ripped of by srm/sms/PerDM and would like to join me in F**king them over Drop me a mail or find me on face book @ mergrinreaper@gmail.com

    Im not really fussed if one of the ppl at the top see this whats the worst they can do to me???? They have alredy screwed me once and I will not let it happen again.

  110. Hi these companies are trading as MGLimited now

    i today had a lovely chat with Simon, were i believed i confused him with questions i asked about advertising and marketing programmes; i got offered a second interview and sharnt be attending its a glorified boiler room scheme which is illegal and tricking people to sign documents is as well

  111. or MG Norwich

    As it may be known alls i can say is get your hiking boots on, its going to be lovely in this weather.

    Also what sort of company makes you take your own paper and pens

    also please check outhttp://www.mglimiteduk.co.uk/#

    and look at there facebook page

  112. Over the last year or so, I've had so many interviews for jobs which turn out to be a scam or very misleading, including SMS (as it was when I foolishly applied) and are really taking advantage of the current levels of unemployment and desperation for jobs. I am currently writing an article on this, but would like some other experiences to add to my own. If anyone reading this could drop me a email at southern-scouse "at" hotmail.co .uk (sorry - just trying to avoid robot spammers there) It would be much appreciated, and of course anonymous.

  113. Now known as MG limited and their address is 11 Orford Place, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 3RU situated above a suit shop.

    Was offered a preliminary chat today but won't be attending; very misleading advertisements and on the phone!

  114. They are now opening an office in Edinburgh and I applied for a "Receptionist" position and have been offered an interview but I will be cancelling that. The job advert stated you must be willing to progress within the company and after reading these comments I dont want to have anything to do with them!
    I'm always wary of companies who are not upfront about what the job entails.
    With regard to some of the other comments its not about being lazy and not wanting to work hard, in order to do sales you have to be a specific kind of person and door-to-door sales involves pushy and bullying behaviour.
    Glad i found this when i googled them before i wasted my time

  115. Stupidly applied for the same receptionists position in Glasgow. Will not be attending.

    I've been suckered into a direct marketing company before and I should have seen it coming.

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. They are just getting you to work self-employed. They get you to sell products (eg Talk Talk) using one of their own forms.
    You then hand that form to them, they then register the details with Talk Talk. Talk Talk pay them, and they give you a small slice of what they get paid commission.

    They are entitled to the money as they have acted as an agency, by finding yourself whom is willing to do the work. In itself, there is nothing illegal going on and it's not a scam. There is some false advertising though they try and act as if they employing you - they are not. The big catch though is they are putting hardly any risk into the venture at all, getting YOU to accept all liability (YOU sign the contracts) and YOU pay all expenses.

    Of course you can do what that do quite easily!
    Go to TalkTalk directly and register as a partner at http://www.talktalkbusiness.co.uk/partners/ . You are in the same legal position, but as you are cutting out the middle-man you will get a much higher commission. You can even protect yourself and setup as a Ltd company if you so wish, and sell that way.
    Many companies (especially Telecom it seems) offer partner signup or "reseller accounts." It's not just TalkTalk!

    Either way you will only get out what you put in, if you are really good at hard sales and marketing, you can stand to make some money out of it. But it's not easy, or likely.

  118. Ignored all my instincts and applied for a job with MG Limited Norwich - supposed to have an interview today, but have just emailed to cancel it after reading the above. Setting up the interview had already triggered various alarm bells! Am glad I found this as it sounds like it would have been a complete waste of my time.

  119. THIS IS A SCAM. MG Norwich advertises openings of about 20 staff needed who have “above average customer service skills that are interested in:

    Marketing/ Brand Management
    Sales/ Account Management
    Customer Service/ Client Relations
    Business Development/ Management"

    This is rubbish. I have had experience of this. I have had 2 interviews in march and had a day observing 'how the company works' which is following around a guy for SIX hours watching him sell Talk Talk broadband. The above comments are correct; the dirty carpets, cheap office rooms and the manager James who sells the job to you as being high paid but does NOT EVEN MENTION that you have to sell broadband for 6 hours a day, no he describes it as working 'in the field' and after working in the field I can apparently progress to working in the office. DO NOT WORK FOR MG NORWICH they will work you to the ground. For 5 days and a half day on Saturday you will start work at 11-1pm in Norwich office and then travel from 1-2. Then being dropped off on your own you will start going round estates knocking on doors for 6 hours freezing cold (imagine rain and snow and ice!?) and finally finishing at 8pm. Then an hour’s drive back to the office for a review of the day and finally finishing at half 9! Bearing in mind there is NO place for a toilet stop. No time for a proper meal from 11-9.30, and nonstop walking round in circles until you have spoken to every household. This is fine if you want to be fully taken advantage of and you enjoy selling broadband. Also pay is not guaranteed you only get commission. So if your bad you could get barely anything for a days work.
    The reason James is hiring so many staff at once is because he wants to expand the business. This sounds innocent however it is only him that benefits. For every Talk Talk package you sell you get commission say £20-40. For the same package James the manager receives £10-30 for himself from Talk Talk. For doing nothing. You’re the one slogging your guts out there and he’s sitting in a cosy office waiting for your return. He actually told me that he is earning so much money that he can afford to retire at about 57. Finally he WILL sell this as a management training programme. This is incorrect. He is referring to the fact that after you walk around selling for a few months and hit some targets you can have the wonderful job of training someone else to do the same thing!! And that’s it. For God’s sake if you have a brain do not apply for this job. It’s all about the money for this manager not about you or your experience or well being. Also being female entering stranger’s houses on rough estates is very risky. Apply with CAUTION.

  120. James should be put in his place and everyone should know that is is a scam where he gets people to make his fortune!

  121. Just an update guys and gals, the poster boy christof has fled the country for tax evasion, just another nail in the coffin of this scam of a company

  122. This company is absolute shite. Ruins your family life, makes you skint, and I got lumbered with a massive tax bill. Got so fed up with Simon and his shit,I took his mobile and laptop ,and sold it and said if he went to the police I would go to trading standards and anyone i could to get his business stopped. Me =1 , sms marketing =0, Lol

  123. To all those brainwashed morons who said this is not a scam! I worked for the Chelmsford branch (Absolute) under the guidance of THE JOSHUA PEACE! Let me tell you, you go on and on about how it cant be a scam as they do not ask you for money. The truth is THEY DO! If you work PAYE or Self Employed as an AGENCY worker (both of which I have done) when I have had to work of site (ie outside of the office I am based in). I have always been able to claim expenses which means that all my travel to other sites were paid for BY THE COMPANY I was working for! So paying to go to the field EVERY MONDAY - SATURDAY is them taking money from you, how do you feel PAYING YOUR MANAGER £60 + per week to be able to work for them? Also if you were ever fortunate enough to go on Roadtrip, guess what they are taking more money from you as you have to pay for accommodation, travel, food and drink. Then you have to make enough sales to make it financially worth while going! When I have had to work away for other companies My travel, accommodation and food and drink (that's breakfast lunch and dinner btw) were all bought and paid for by the company I was working for!

    All PerDM do is exploit the SELF EMPLOYMENT rules, so much so they are now in court over it. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2013/dec/26/marketing-company-80p-wage-perdm also here is another report on Prompt Promotions (Nicole Rambo Ramsey's Chelmsford Office) http://www.essexchronicle.co.uk/REVEALED-door-door-firm-lying-residents/story-19692184-detail/story.html.

    To anyone working for PerDM, don't believe their bullshit about there being no other jobs out there! There are I have had 2 since I left in December 1 ft and 1 pt (I need to clear up the debt PerDM left me in!). Commission only is a terrible idea, ITYS NOT ALL ABOUT PITCH PACE AND ATTITUDE. I have rung the bell speaking to 9 fucking people PPA is bollocks, the truth to the system is FIND POV (Council Estates) - Ring Bell - - Repeat til promoted. That's how you get to leadership. Territory matters, weather matters (if you look like a drowned rat you aint getting into houses).

    To get to management PerDM want your life and your soul. That's the damn truth about PerDM.

    BTW Talk talk don't use them any more nor do Love fIlm or ASDA or Amazon. its all firms no one has heard of Perdm in the UK is dying

  124. PerDM, Appco/Cobra, etc. are just tentacles of the global direct sales cult known to some as Devilcorp.

    If you go to http://thedevilcorp.wordpress.com/ you will find a plethora of links to news reports, government rulings, lawsuits and video footage showing how these people do business.
